The Assignment
Community contribution assignment
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Data Transformation
Data Visualization (static)
choroplethr, ggplot2 and tmap (census maps)
geom_mosaic() vs. vcd::mosaic() (1)
ggmosaic vs. vcd::mosaic() (2)
ggmosaic::geom_mosaic() vs. vcd::mosaic() (3)
Plotting sequential discrete data: Stem plot in R vs. Python
Plotting scatterplot matrices in R
R vs. Tableau: (R portion) (Tableau video)
Data Visualization (interactive)
dygraphs vs. plotly vs. Tableau (time series)
ggplot2 vs. plotly (stock charts)
ggplotly() vs. plot_ly() (subplots)
MASS vs. plotly vs. ggplot2 (heatmaps)
Plotting Scatterplot matrices in R