
Every R user should be very familiar with data.frame and it’s extension like data.table and tibble. However, only small percentage of data can be stored in data frame naturally. In R, we do have special data structure for other type of data like corps, spatial data, time series, JSON files and so on. Indeed, they are all built on list, or say nested list. For the tedious and dirty data wrangling job, from time to time, we have to deal with nested list.

One could bring for-loop into his code but it is either time consuming and annoying in writing iteration code. Therefore, functions provided by base R such as apply() can make such work more efficient and simpler. One the other hand, in purrr, one of the important packages in tidyverse, we have map() family. Although map() family is just a very small part of purrr, a functional programming tool, the similarity between these two tools does highly exist.

In this passage, functions such as apply() in base R and a group of functions in map() family will be introduced in the first place. Then, the comparison will be made to see if there are any differences between apply family and map family. Two detailed cases by applying two family functions will also be covered to offer a sense of using experience.

Apply Family


Vectorization and acceleration.

It worth to mention dply package here, which is built on the idea: “Split”, “Apply”, “Combine”. But personally speaking, I believe it may be replaced by tidyverse, or say dplyr in particular.


In base R, functions such as apply can be used to replace for-loop, in someway provide an elegant way in doing repeating work. The most used functions are given as follows:

  1. apply() - to apply functions to margins of an array or matrix. lapply() and sapply() - functions used to data list while the former one returns a list with same length as the input and the latter one returns a vector.
  2. mapply() - apply functions more multiple inputs.

The syntax of these apply family functions are quite similar and straightforward:

apply(X, .Margin, function, ...)

lapply(List, function,...)

sapply(List, function,...)


When dealing data set in a list, functions provided by package l*ply can also be helpful. Saying l*ply is to deal with list, the character it acts is actually the same as lapply and sapply but with a more convenient way in changing output by changing the second character * in the function. For different purpose, the output form has its corresponding letter: a - Array; l - List; d - Dataframe; _ - no output.

The syntax of l*ply is the same as lapply:

l*ply(List, function,...)



Make your pure functions purr with purrr, a functional programming library for R.

As we mentioned before, map() family is only a small part for purrr, but in this blog, we will not bother ourselves to handling concept like pure / impure function and focus on list operation.


The map() is built for the efficiency when dealing with raw data, in most cases are the data lists. These functions allow users focus on their workflow rather struggling in building the iteration loop. Thus, the syntax of map() are so simple, in the later part of this passage, you could see how these functions works.

Covering most cases, the following functions in map are usually used in the package:

  1. map() - the basic map function, returning results in a list;
  2. map_xx() - functions dealing different input types and return outcomes by specific function;
  3. map2() - function dealing with two different data lists. pmap() - functions dealing with even more than two data lists.
  4. Other useful functions such as safely(), possibly() and walk().

For most functions in map family, they share the same, simple and straightforward syntax as follow:

# Basic map() function returnsresults in a list.
map(data.list, function, ...)
# map_lgl() dealing with logical argument returns the outcome in a vector
map_lgl(data.list, function, ...)
# map2() dealing with two different sets returns a list
map2(list1, list2, function,...)

To give a more detailed demonstration, here are some examples for the different map function types:

Example 1. Select the title of Star War movies and returns a vector outcome.

## [1] "A New Hope"         "Return of the Jedi" "The Force Awakens"

Example 2. Simulate different number of data from normal distribution, each with different mean and standard deviation.

# set the number of data to be simulated with their mean and sd
Number <- list(10,15,20,25,30)
Mean <- list(-20,-10,0,10,20)
Sd <- list(2,1,0,3,4)

# using pmap() requires all the list to be emerged into one list
data.list <- list(Number,Mean,Sd)
Simulation <- pmap(data.list,
                     rnorm(n = Number,
                           mean = Mean,
                           sd = Sd))
## [1] 13.710100 10.744685 13.846017  8.536520  7.026364  5.553523

Last but not least, functions provided by purrr such as safely(), possibly() are also helpful in missing value cases.safely() returns both the outcomes for the inputs that functions can be applied to and the error information of where the NA value is. As for possibly(), it only returns the outcomes, thus this can be useful in the workflow to get rid of the error of missing values. Sometimes walk() can omit the double square brackets [[]] in printing a more tidy outcome.

Example 3. Dealing with data lists with missing value.

L <- list(1:5,c(6:9,NA),c(NA, 12,13),14)
                 otherwise = NA))
## [1] 15 NA NA 14

Comparison of purrr and plyr

lapply() v.s. purrr::map()

We want to extract the director of every movie.

# purrr::map() way
purrr::map(sw_films, ~.x[["director"]])
## [[1]]
## [1] "George Lucas"
## [[2]]
## [1] "Richard Marquand"
## [[3]]
## [1] "J. J. Abrams"
# lapply
lapply(sw_films, function(x){x[["director"]]})
## [[1]]
## [1] "George Lucas"
## [[2]]
## [1] "Richard Marquand"
## [[3]]
## [1] "J. J. Abrams"

The only difference is that in purrr, we can write lambda/anonymous functions. It does make codes more readable but for beginner it may be easier to understand a function defined explicitly.

If you play around with R a little bit longer time, you may know the “[[” as follows:

lapply(sw_films, "[[", "director")
## [[1]]
## [1] "George Lucas"
## [[2]]
## [1] "Richard Marquand"
## [[3]]
## [1] "J. J. Abrams"

I remember in the last semester, for one homework of GR5206, I had to take the second element in every list. When I see someone use “[[” in this way, I felt R is a language full of seemly intuitive but actually unpredictable small tricks.

purrr way is definitely more readable intuitive, while it seems to be wired to treat “[[” as a function.

More flavors

I found plyr::llply returns something strange in this case. Wired!

plyr::llply(sw_films, "[[", 6)
## [[1]]
##           [[ 
## "1977-05-25" 
## [[2]]
##           [[ 
## "1983-05-25" 
## [[3]]
##           [[ 
## "2015-12-11"

If you are do not want “list in, list out”.

plyr::laply(sw_films, "[[", 6)
## [1] "1977-05-25" "1983-05-25" "2015-12-11"
sapply(sw_films, "[[", 6)
## [1] "1977-05-25" "1983-05-25" "2015-12-11"

Generally, if your list do not have names and you do know the correct index, purrr:map is preferred to many sense.

mapply() v.s. purrr::map2(), pmap()

director <- purrr::map(sw_films, ~.x[["director"]])
film <- purrr::map(sw_films, ~.x[["title"]])

film_paste <- purrr::partial(paste, sep = "")

purrr::map2_chr(film, director, ~film_paste(.x, "is filmed by", .y))
## [1] "A New Hopeis filmed byGeorge Lucas"            
## [2] "Return of the Jediis filmed byRichard Marquand"
## [3] "The Force Awakensis filmed byJ. J. Abrams"
director <- lapply(sw_films, function(x){x[["director"]]})
film <- lapply(sw_films, function(x){x[["title"]]})

mapply(function(x, y){paste(x, "is filmed by", y, sep = "")}, film, director)
## [1] "A New Hopeis filmed byGeorge Lucas"            
## [2] "Return of the Jediis filmed byRichard Marquand"
## [3] "The Force Awakensis filmed byJ. J. Abrams"

We can see clearly, when the task become more and more complicate, the apply family become dirtier to use and hard to maintain. Besides the lambda function, the purrr::partial() provided by purrr let us prefill the argument of functions and thus further simply the coding for map part. On the other hand, purrr::partial() let us more easy to refuse the function we defined.

The First Case study.

In this case, we want know how the height of every people in sw_people

  1. Extract the height element
  2. Transfer the string to numbers
  3. Handle the unknown case (NA)
  4. Transfer the unit from centimeters to feet

Pruely with apply

height_cm <- lapply(sw_people, "[[", "height")
height_cm <- sapply(height_cm, function(x){
  return(ifelse(x=="unknown", NA, as.numeric(x)))
height_ft <- sapply(height_cm, function(x){
  return(ifelse(, NA, x*0.0328084))

name<-sapply(sw_people, "[[", "name")
names(height_ft) <- name

tail(height_ft, 12)
##        Shaak Ti        Grievous         Tarfful Raymus Antilles 
##        5.839895        7.086614        7.677166        6.167979 
##       Sly Moore      Tion Medon            Finn             Rey 
##        5.839895        6.758530              NA              NA 
##     Poe Dameron             BB8  Captain Phasma   Padmé Amidala 
##              NA              NA              NA        5.413386

Pruely with purrr

to_na <- partial(ifelse, yes=NA)
to_ft <- as_mapper(~.x*0.0328084)

height_ft <- map(sw_people, "height") %>%
  map(~to_na(.x == "unknown", no=as.numeric(.x))) %>%
  map_dbl(possibly(to_ft, NA_real_)) %>%
  set_names(map_chr(sw_people, "name")) 

height_ft %>% tail(12)
##        Shaak Ti        Grievous         Tarfful Raymus Antilles 
##        5.839895        7.086614        7.677166        6.167979 
##       Sly Moore      Tion Medon            Finn             Rey 
##        5.839895        6.758530              NA              NA 
##     Poe Dameron             BB8  Captain Phasma   Padmé Amidala 
##              NA              NA              NA        5.413386
  1. We can see with apply(), we need to handle NA manually and carefully while possibly in purrr ease this task.

  2. apply() are not easy to maintain and reuse, while function like partial() and as_mapper in purrr make the code nice to read and modify.

The Second Case Study

Starting with two different lists, which will be turned into a faceted histogram. We will use the sw_films and sw_people datasets to answer a question:

What is the distribution of heights of characters in each of the Star Wars films?

Pruely with apply: Dirty!

filmtitle <- sapply(sw_films, "[[", "title")
characters <- lapply(sw_films, "[[", "characters")

height = sapply(sw_people, "[[", "height")
height <- sapply(height, function(x){
  return(ifelse(x=="unknown", NA, as.numeric(x)))
sw_characters = data.frame(height = height,
                           url = sapply(sw_people, "[[", "url"))

find_height <- function(x){
  for (i in 1:length(x)){
    index <- x[i] == sw_characters$url
    x[i] <- sw_characters[index, "height"]

height <- lapply(characters, find_height)
height <- sapply(height, function(x){
  return(ifelse(x=="unknown", NA, as.numeric(x)))
sapply(height, hist)

##          [,1]      [,2]       [,3]     
## breaks   Integer,9 Integer,10 Integer,5
## counts   Integer,8 Integer,9  Integer,4
## density  Numeric,8 Numeric,9  Numeric,4
## mids     Numeric,8 Numeric,9  Numeric,4
## xname    "X[[i]]"  "X[[i]]"   "X[[i]]" 
## equidist TRUE      TRUE       TRUE

As the task become more and more complex, apply() family are not friendly to use, sometimes, the output is not what we want and graph is ugly. To be more specifically:

  1. We do not want the output except histograms.
  2. The title and axis to difficult to change properly.
  3. The output of apply() is not that easy to predict correctly.
  4. The plot in base R is flexible but not good for communicate

Pruely with purrr combined with tidyverse

# Turn data into correct dataframe format
film_by_character <- tibble(filmtitle = map_chr(sw_films, "title")) %>%
    mutate(filmtitle, characters = map(sw_films, "characters")) %>%

# Pull out elements from sw_people
sw_characters <- map_df(sw_people, `[`, c("height","mass","name","url"))

# Join our two new objects
character_data <- inner_join(film_by_character, sw_characters, by = c("characters" = "url")) %>%
    # Make sure the columns are numbers
    mutate(height = as.numeric(height), mass = as.numeric(mass))

# Plot the heights, faceted by film title
ggplot(character_data, aes(x = height)) +
  geom_histogram(stat = "count") +
  facet_wrap(~ filmtitle)

Incredibly clear and concise!

Apply with other pacakge in tidyverse except purrr

If you only want to use apply() family to wrangle data but still use other efficient packages in tidyverse. You can code like this. Even more dirty to some extend. As we can only input data.frame into ggplot2, we need to transfer list to data.frame.

# Turn data into correct dataframe format
filmtitle <- sapply(sw_films, "[[", "title")
characters <- lapply(sw_films, "[[", "characters")
characters_exp <- c(NULL)
for (i in 1:length(characters)){
  for (j in 1:length(characters[[i]])){
    characters_exp <- c(characters_exp, characters[[i]][j])
Num_characters <- sapply(characters, length)
film_by_character <- data.frame(filmtitle = rep(filmtitle, Num_characters),
                                characters = characters_exp)

# Pull out elements from sw_people
sw_characters <- data.frame(1:87)
people_str <- c("height","mass","name","url")
for(i in 1:length(people_str)){
  sw_characters = cbind(sw_characters, sapply(sw_people, "[[", people_str[i]))
sw_characters <- sw_characters[,-1]
colnames(sw_characters) <- people_str


From above comparison, you have got lots of sense of the usage of and difference in those two packages and the following we will talk some general difference.

Big Picture

Even though purrr is not built to replace apply() family, based on my own experience, I do think map() family can replace apply() family totally.


apply() and even plyr is no longer under active development. The innovation is happening elsewhere, in purrr and the other packages in the tidyverse. ## Learning Curve This is quite depends, at least for me, there is no huge difference, both are not difficult to learn. Attention, we focus on map() in purrr. If you want to understand the whole purrr well, the learning curve is definitely higher.


purrr and apply() both are well document and there are huge materials online.


