5 Github initial setup

Joyce Robbins

5.1 Create new repo

Note: the instructions in this chapter are for the course instructor to create the initial community contribution repository. Students attempting to contribute their community contribution chapters should follow the instructions here.

Create a new repository by copying this template: http://www.github.com/jtr13/cctemplate and following instructions in the README.

5.2 Pages in repo settings

Change source to gh-pages

May have to trigger GHA to get it to work

5.3 Add packages to DESCRIPTION file

Need a better process…

Downloaded submissions from CourseWorks

Create DESCRIPTION file. Add add dependencies with projthis::proj_update_deps()


Add these Imports to the real DESCRIPTION file.

Found problematic packages by looking at reverse dependencies of the packages that failed to install:


Also used pak::pkg_deps_tree()



rJava dependency of qdap