9 Object Constancy

9.1 Lecture slides


9.2 No object constancy


 Off  On

Add bar

Remove bar (right)

Remove bar (left)

Of note:

  • Rather than smoothly transitioning off to the left, all bars are resized when “Remove bar (left)” is clicked

  • When “Remove bar (right) is clicked, the bar on the right immediately disappears, and then the remaining bars transition to their new places to the right.

Standalone version: no_object_constancy.html

9.3 Object constancy


 Off  On

Add bar

Remove bar (right)

Remove bar (left)

Of note:

  • Bars now smoothly transition off to the left and right

Standalone version: object_constancy.html

9.3.1 Practice joining data by key

Open the JavaScript Console

Try the following:

  1. Create an svg with four text elements:

const dataset = [{key: 12, x: 163, y: 200},
               {key: 14, x: 206, y: 304},
               {key: 16, x: 452, y: 152},
               {key: 18, x: 321, y: 254}];

const svg = d3.select("#key").append("svg")
        .attr("width", "600").attr("height", "400");

svg.append("rect").attr("width", "600")
            .attr("height", "400").attr("fill", "aliceblue");

        .data(dataset, d => d.key)
        .attr("x", d => d.x)
        .attr("y", d => d.y)
        .text(d => `key: ${d.key}`);
  1. Bind a new dataset by key:
const svg = d3.select("#key").select("svg");

const dataset = [{key: 12, x: 100, y: 200},
              {key: 16, x: 250, y: 300}];
  .data(dataset, d => d.key)


  .attr("x", d => d.x)
  .attr("y", d => d.y);
  1. And another one:
const svg = d3.select("#key").select("svg");

const dataset = [{key: 23, x: 300, y: 150},
               {key: 5, x: 450, y: 270},
               {key: 16, x: 200, y: 250}];
const databind = svg.selectAll("text")
  .data(dataset, d => d.key);
  .attr("x", d => d.x)
  .attr("y", d => d.y)
  .text(d => `key: ${d.key}`);  
  1. Experiment with other data binds.