21 Stock data with tidyquant

This chapter originated as a community contribution created by naotominakawa

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21.1 Overview

This section covers how to use the tidyquant package to conduct timeseries analysis.

21.2 What is tidyquant?

tidyquant is an one-stop shop for financial analysis. It is suitable for analyzing timeseries data, such as financial and economic data. tidyquant connects to various data sources such as Yahoo! Finance, Morning Star, Bloomberg market data, etc. It also behaves well with other Tidyverse packages.

21.3 Installing tidyquant

To install tidyquant, you can run the following code:

# install.packages("tidyquant")

If you want to see which functions are available, you can run the following:

# to see which functions are available (not run)

21.4 Single timeseries

Obtain historical data for single stock (for example, Google):

# get historical data for single stock. e.g. google
tq_get("GOOGL", get="stock.prices")
## # A tibble: 2,565 x 7
##    date        open  high   low close   volume adjusted
##    <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 2009-01-02  154.  161.  153.  161.  7213700     161.
##  2 2009-01-05  161.  166.  158.  164.  9768200     164.
##  3 2009-01-06  167.  171.  163.  167. 12837500     167.
##  4 2009-01-07  164.  166.  160.  161.  8980000     161.
##  5 2009-01-08  159.  163.  159.  163.  7194100     163.
##  6 2009-01-09  164.  164.  157.  158.  8672300     158.
##  7 2009-01-12  158.  160.  155.  157.  6601900     157.
##  8 2009-01-13  156.  160.  155.  157.  8856100     157.
##  9 2009-01-14  155.  157.  149.  151. 10924800     151.
## 10 2009-01-15  149.  152.  144.  150. 11857100     150.
## # … with 2,555 more rows

Calculate monthly return of single stock:

# calculate monthly return of single stock
tq_get(c("GOOGL"), get="stock.prices") %>%
               col_rename = "monthly_return")
## # A tibble: 123 x 2
##    date       monthly_return
##    <date>              <dbl>
##  1 2009-01-30        0.0536 
##  2 2009-02-27       -0.00160
##  3 2009-03-31        0.0298 
##  4 2009-04-30        0.138  
##  5 2009-05-29        0.0537 
##  6 2009-06-30        0.0104 
##  7 2009-07-31        0.0509 
##  8 2009-08-31        0.0420 
##  9 2009-09-30        0.0740 
## 10 2009-10-30        0.0812 
## # … with 113 more rows

Create a line chart of the closing price for single stock:

# showing closing price for single stock
tq_get(c("GOOGL"), get="stock.prices") %>%
  ggplot(aes(date, close)) +

Create a line chart of the monthly return for single stock:

# showing monthly return for single stock
tq_get(c("GOOGL"), get="stock.prices") %>%
               col_rename = "monthly_return") %>%
  ggplot(aes(date, monthly_return)) +

21.5 Multiple timeseries

Obtain historical data for multiple stocks (for example, GAFA):

# get historical data for multiple stocks. e.g. GAFA
tq_get(c("GOOGL","AMZN","FB","AAPL"), get="stock.prices")
## # A tibble: 9,409 x 8
##    symbol date        open  high   low close   volume adjusted
##    <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 GOOGL  2009-01-02  154.  161.  153.  161.  7213700     161.
##  2 GOOGL  2009-01-05  161.  166.  158.  164.  9768200     164.
##  3 GOOGL  2009-01-06  167.  171.  163.  167. 12837500     167.
##  4 GOOGL  2009-01-07  164.  166.  160.  161.  8980000     161.
##  5 GOOGL  2009-01-08  159.  163.  159.  163.  7194100     163.
##  6 GOOGL  2009-01-09  164.  164.  157.  158.  8672300     158.
##  7 GOOGL  2009-01-12  158.  160.  155.  157.  6601900     157.
##  8 GOOGL  2009-01-13  156.  160.  155.  157.  8856100     157.
##  9 GOOGL  2009-01-14  155.  157.  149.  151. 10924800     151.
## 10 GOOGL  2009-01-15  149.  152.  144.  150. 11857100     150.
## # … with 9,399 more rows

Create a multiple line chart of the closing prices of multiple stocks (again, GAFA). We can show each stock in a different color on the same graph:

# Create a multiple line chart of the closing prices of the four stocks,
# showing each stock in a different color on the same graph.
tq_get(c("GOOGL","AMZN","FB","AAPL"), get="stock.prices") %>%
  ggplot(aes(date, close, color=symbol)) +

Transform the data so each stock begins at 100 and replot (Standardize the data so that we can compare timeseries):

# Create a multiple line chart of the closing prices of the four stocks,
# showing each stock in a different color on the same graph.
# Transform the data so each stock begins at 100 and replot.
tq_get(c("GOOGL","AMZN","FB","AAPL"), get="stock.prices") %>%
  group_by(symbol) %>%
  mutate(close = 100*close/first(close)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(date, close, color=symbol)) +

Calculate monthly return of multiple stocks (again, GAFA):

# calculate monthly return of multiple stocks
tq_get(c("GOOGL","AMZN","FB","AAPL"), get="stock.prices") %>%
  group_by(symbol) %>%
               col_rename = "monthly_return")
## # A tibble: 452 x 3
## # Groups:   symbol [4]
##    symbol date       monthly_return
##    <chr>  <date>              <dbl>
##  1 GOOGL  2009-01-30        0.0536 
##  2 GOOGL  2009-02-27       -0.00160
##  3 GOOGL  2009-03-31        0.0298 
##  4 GOOGL  2009-04-30        0.138  
##  5 GOOGL  2009-05-29        0.0537 
##  6 GOOGL  2009-06-30        0.0104 
##  7 GOOGL  2009-07-31        0.0509 
##  8 GOOGL  2009-08-31        0.0420 
##  9 GOOGL  2009-09-30        0.0740 
## 10 GOOGL  2009-10-30        0.0812 
## # … with 442 more rows

Create a multiple line chart of monthly return of the four stocks. Again, we can show each stock in a different color on the same graph:

# Create a multiple line chart of monthly return of the four stocks,
# showing each stock in a different color on the same graph
tq_get(c("GOOGL","AMZN","FB","AAPL"), get="stock.prices") %>%
  group_by(symbol) %>%
               col_rename = "monthly_return") %>%
  ggplot(aes(date, monthly_return, color=symbol)) +

21.6 External Resources
