54 Gradient Descent Algorithm in R

Cong Chen

54.1 Motivation

The Gradient Descent Algorithm is a popular algorithm in optimization. However, I seldom see people apply the algorithm by R, so I try to apply the Gradient Descent Algorithm to a simple optimization problem by R. And I also use three different step size rules when applying Gradient Descent Algorithm and drawing the contour map to give a more comprehensive understanding about the difference between these methods.

Through the project, I understood the principle of the algorithm more clearly and was skilled in applying the algorithm. And I also realized how important choosing initial values are. Maybe the next time, I will try other different step size rules.

54.2 Gradient Descent Algorithm

Gradient Descent Algorithm is an algorithm used widely in optimization. For a simple optimization problem:

\[ \min_{x\in X}f(x) \] where \(X\) is the domain of variable \(x\), the algorithm’s specific steps are shown below:

  1. Choose the initial value of \(x\) called \(x^{(0)}\).

  2. Choose the stopping condition value of the algorithm \(\varepsilon\).

  3. Select a specific step size rule to determine \(\alpha^{(t)}\) for \(t=0,1,...\).

  4. For \(t=0,1,...\), update: \[ x^{(t+1)}=x^{(t)}-\alpha^{(t)}\nabla f(x^{(t)}) \]

  5. If \(\lVert x^{(t+1)}-x^{(t)} \rVert\leq \varepsilon\), stop the algorithm.

54.3 Three common step size rules

There are three common step size rules:

  1. Fixed: \(\alpha^{(t)}\) is a constant.

  2. Exact line search

  3. Backtracking line search

Exact line search method tries to find the best \(\alpha^{(t)}\) in each step \(t\), that is: \[ \alpha^{(t)}=\arg\min_{\alpha} (x^{(t)}-\alpha\nabla f(x^{(t)})) \]

Backtracking line search method tries to reduce the step size as the iteration \(t\) increases.

54.4 A simple problem

Apply these three methods to a simple optimization problem to find its optimal solution. And also, compare the difference between these three methods based on the results.

A simple optimization problem: \[ \min_{x=(x_1,x_2)} f(x)\\ f(x)=\frac{10x_1^2+x_2^2}{2} \]

# function f(x)

# gradient of f(x)

In all three methods, the search begins at the point \(x^{(0)}=(1.5,-1.5)\).

54.4.1 Fixed step size

fixstep<-function(x0, grad, tol = 1e-6, alpha = 0.01, max_iteration = 1000){
  k = 1
  xf = x0
  xl = xf - alpha * grad(xf)
  x = c(x0,xl)
  while (sqrt(sum((xl - xf)^2)) > tol && k < max_iteration){
    xf = xl
    xl = xf - alpha * grad(xf)
    k = k + 1
    x = c(x, xl)
  return(list(iteration = k - 1, 
              x1 = x[seq(1, 2 * k - 1, 2)],
              x2 = x[seq(2, 2 * k, 2)]))

try three different fixed step size to observe their different processes:

  1. Small: \(\alpha = 0.01\).

  2. Medium: \(\alpha = 0.1\).

  3. Large: \(\alpha = 0.7\).

# implement the method
step1 = fixstep(c(1.5, -1.5), grad, alpha = 0.01)
step2 = fixstep(c(1.5, -1.5), grad, alpha = 0.1)
step3 = fixstep(c(1.5, -1.5), grad, alpha = 0.7, max_iteration = 50)

z = matrix(0, 100, 100)
x1 = seq(-1.5, 1.5, length = 100)
x2 = seq(-1.5, 1.5, length = 100)

# store function value for every grid point
for(i in 1:100){
  for(j in 1:100){
    z[i,j] = f(c(x1[i],x2[j]))

# plot contour map
contour(x1, x2, z, nlevels=20)
for(i in 1:step1$iteration){
for(i in 1:step2$iteration){
for(i in 1:step3$iteration){

The small \(\alpha\) (red line in the graph) takes more iteration to find the optimal solution, while the large \(\alpha\) (green line in the graph) leads huge fluctuations in search, which makes it difficult to find the optimal solution.