9 Commonly-used graph cheatcheet

Wangtao Zheng, UNI:wz2618

During the R coding exercises in the EDAV homework, I realized the necessity of creating a R code library/cheatsheet which include most of the codes that are used to draw commonly-applied graphs in data visualization. In this way, one would not need to memorize all the code used for drawing different graphs, which saves time.

R codes that are used to draw commonly-used graphs are thus included in this cheatsheet. Graphs that are useful in most data visualization projects, such as scatterplot, boxplot, bar plot, histogram, etc., are included in this cheatsheet. I also included the coding methods for various modifications of these graphs for convenience reasons, so that my cheatsheet can help members of our community under different circumstances.

You can find the cheatsheet here:https://github.com/zwt950715/EDAV-Fall-2022-Community-Contribution/blob/main/A%20Useful%20Cheatsheet%20For%20Data%20Visualization.pdf

This cheatsheet covers materials in the first two problem sets of the EDAV course fall 2022. Thus, more types of graphs and more coding method can be added to this cheatsheet to make it more useful in R programming for EDAV purposes. Hope this cheatsheet can help with learning, and I am looking forward to more valuable advices!