50 Interactive 3D Visualization in R

Yaoyuan Zhang and Zimu An

50.1 Motivation

Although a 2D plot (or multiple of them) can contain enough information we need, a 3D plot can be more intuitive since the 3D space is where we reside. For example, we usually see the 2D projection of a map, or atlas, in textbooks or websites, but a globe is always more pleasant to use. In addition, when encoutering datasets with higher dimensions in statistics, a 3D visualization can help us with generalizing in higher dimensional spaces.

In this tutorial, we focus on interactive 3D visualization using packages including plotly and rgl. We first cover the basic 3D scatter plots using the package rgl, then we try to add more useful tools for better visualization. We also introduce how to produce interactive 3D surface graphs and 3D mesh plots in R using the package plotly

We hope this tutorial can provide some insights and inspirations for people who wish to tackle high-dimensional data visualization problems.

50.2 3D visualization with rgl package

The rgl package is used to produce interactive 3-D plots. It contains high-level graphics commands modeled loosely after classic R graphics, but working in three dimensions. It also contains low level structure inspired by (but incompatible with) the grid package.

50.2.1 Preparing the Data

We’ll use the iris data for this tutorial in the following examples.

iris data set gives the measurements of the variables sepal length and width, petal length and width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris. The species are Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica.

##   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
## 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
## 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa
x <- sep.l <- iris$Sepal.Length
y <- pet.l <- iris$Petal.Length
z <- sep.w <- iris$Sepal.Width

50.2.2 Starting and Closing the RGL Device

In order to make a 3D plot with RGL, we need to first start the RGL device in R. The functions below are used to manage RGL device:

  • rgl.open(): Opens a new device
  • rgl.close(): Closes the current device
  • rgl.clear(): Clears the current device
  • rgl.cur(): Returns the active device ID
  • rgl.quit(): Shutdowns the RGL device system

50.2.3 3D Scatter Plot Custom function to initialize RGL device

Since the default RGL device usually needs initialization, we can create a custom function for easier initialization process. The following function rgl_init() will create a new RGL device if there is no opened device:

#' @param new.device a logical value. If TRUE, creates a new device
#' @param bg the background color of the device
#' @param width the width of the device
rgl_init <- function(new.device = FALSE, bg = "white", width = 640) { 
  if( new.device | rgl.cur() == 0 ) {
    par3d(windowRect = 50 + c( 0, 0, width, width ) )
    rgl.bg(color = bg )
  rgl.clear(type = c("shapes", "bboxdeco"))
  rgl.viewpoint(theta = 15, phi = 20, zoom = 0.7)

The functions used in the custom function that were not introduced previously includes:

  • par3d(windowRect): set the window size
  • rgl.viewpoint(theta, phi, fov, zoom): set up viewpoint. The arguments theta and phi are polar coordinates.
    • theta and phi are polar coordinates. Default values are 0 and 15, respectively
    • fov is the field-of-view angle in degrees. Default value is 60
    • zoom is the zoom factor. Default value is 1
  • rgl.bg(color): define the background color of the device Basic 3D Plot with spheres

rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.1, color = "yellow")  # Scatter plot

Note that rgl package also provides functions such as rgl.phoints to represent data points in another format. For the purpose of conformity, this tutorial use spheres to represent data points. Add a Bounding Box decoration

The function rgl.bbox() is used:

rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.1, color = "yellow")  
# Add bounding box decoration
rgl.bbox(color=c("#333377","black"), emission="#333377",
         specular="#3333FF", shininess=5, alpha=0.8 ) 
  • color: a vector of colors. The first color is used for the background color of the bounding box. The second color is used for the tick mark labels.
  • emission, specular, shininess: properties for lighting calculation
  • alpha: value specifying the color transparency. The value should be between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (opaque) Add axis lines and labels

  • The function rgl.lines(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, …) can be used to add axis lines.
  • The function rgl.texts(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, text) is used to add axis labels.

For the convenience of plotting, a custom function rgl_add_axes() is implemented for the purpose of adding x, y, and z axes.

# x, y, z : numeric vectors corresponding to
#  the coordinates of points
# axis.col : axis colors
# xlab, ylab, zlab: axis labels
# show.plane : add axis planes
# show.bbox : add the bounding box decoration
# bbox.col: the bounding box colors. The first color is the
# the background color; the second color is the color of tick marks
rgl_add_axes <- function(x, y, z, axis.col = "grey",
                xlab = "", ylab="", zlab="", show.plane = TRUE, 
                show.bbox = FALSE, bbox.col = c("#333377","black"))
  lim <- function(x){c(-max(abs(x)), max(abs(x))) * 1.1}
  # Add axes
  xlim <- lim(x); ylim <- lim(y); zlim <- lim(z)
  rgl.lines(xlim, c(0, 0), c(0, 0), color = axis.col)
  rgl.lines(c(0, 0), ylim, c(0, 0), color = axis.col)
  rgl.lines(c(0, 0), c(0, 0), zlim, color = axis.col)
   # Add a point at the end of each axes to specify the direction
   axes <- rbind(c(xlim[2], 0, 0), c(0, ylim[2], 0), 
                 c(0, 0, zlim[2]))
   rgl.points(axes, color = axis.col, size = 3)
  # Add axis labels
  rgl.texts(axes, text = c(xlab, ylab, zlab), color = axis.col,
             adj = c(0.5, -0.8), size = 2)
  # Add plane
    xlim <- xlim/1.1; zlim <- zlim /1.1
    rgl.quads( x = rep(xlim, each = 2), y = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
             z = c(zlim[1], zlim[2], zlim[2], zlim[1]))
  # Add bounding box decoration
    rgl.bbox(color=c(bbox.col[1],bbox.col[2]), alpha = 0.5, 
          emission=bbox.col[1], specular=bbox.col[1], shininess=5, 
          xlen = 3, ylen = 3, zlen = 3) 
  • rgl.quads(x, y, z) is used to add planes. x, y and z are numeric vectors of length four specifying the coordinates of the four nodes of the quad.
rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.1, color = "yellow") 
rgl_add_axes(x, y, z, show.bbox = TRUE)
# Show tick marks
axis3d('x', pos=c( NA, 0, 0 ), col = "darkgrey")
axis3d('y', pos=c( 0, NA, 0 ), col = "darkgrey")
axis3d('z', pos=c( 0, 0, NA ), col = "darkgrey")

The function axis3d() is used in the previous block to show the scales of axes. Set aspect ratios of the axes

The function aspect3d(x, y = NULL, z = NULL) can be used to set the apparent ratios of the x, y and z axes for the current plot.

x, y and z are the ratio for x, y and z axes, respectively. x can be a vector of length 3, specifying the ratio for the 3 axes. Change color of points by groups

A helper function can be used to select automatically a color for each group:

#' Get colors for the different levels of 
#' a factor variable
#' @param groups a factor variable containing the groups
#'  of observations
#' @param colors a vector containing the names of 
#   the default colors to be used
get_colors <- function(groups, group.col = palette()){
  groups <- as.factor(groups)
  ngrps <- length(levels(groups))
  if(ngrps > length(group.col)) 
    group.col <- rep(group.col, ngrps)
  color <- group.col[as.numeric(groups)]
  names(color) <- as.vector(groups)

Change colors by groups:

cols <- get_colors(iris$Species, c("lightblue", "palegreen3", "slateblue3"))
rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.1, color = cols) 
rgl_add_axes(x, y, z, show.bbox = TRUE)

50.2.4 Additional Analysis tools Ellipse of Concentration

The function ellipse3d() is used to estimate the ellipse of concentration:

  • x: the correlation or covariance matrix between x, y and z
  • scale: If x is a correlation matrix, then the standard deviations of each parameter can be given in the scale parameter. This defaults to c(1, 1, 1), so no rescaling will be done.
  • centre: The center of the ellipse will be at this position.
  • level: The confidence level of a confidence region. This is used to control the size of the ellipsoid.

The function ellipse3d() returns an object of class mesh3d which can be drawn using the function shade3d() and/or wired3d()

Draw the ellipse using the function shade3d():

rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.12, color = "#D95F02") 
rgl_add_axes(x, y, z, show.bbox = TRUE)
# Compute and draw the ellipse of concentration
ellips <- ellipse3d(cov(cbind(x,y,z)), 
            centre=c(mean(x), mean(y), mean(z)), level = 0.95)
shade3d(ellips, col = "#D95F02", alpha = 0.1, lit = FALSE)

Draw the ellipse using the function wired3d():

rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.2, color = "#D95F02") 
rgl_add_axes(x, y, z, show.bbox = TRUE)
# Compute and draw the ellipse of concentration
ellips <- ellipse3d(cov(cbind(x,y,z)), 
            centre=c(mean(x), mean(y), mean(z)), level = 0.95)
wire3d(ellips, col = "#D95F02",  lit = FALSE)

We can also add ellipse for each group, as such:

# Groups
groups <- iris$Species
levs <- levels(groups)
group.col <- c("red", "green", "blue")
# Plot observations
rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.1,
            color = group.col[as.numeric(groups)]) 
rgl_add_axes(x, y, z, show.bbox = FALSE)
# Compute ellipse for each group
for (i in 1:length(levs)) {
    group <- levs[i]
    selected <- groups == group
    xx <- x[selected]; yy <- y[selected]; zz <- z[selected]
    ellips <- ellipse3d(cov(cbind(xx,yy,zz)), 
              centre=c(mean(xx), mean(yy), mean(zz)), level = 0.95) 
    shade3d(ellips, col = group.col[i], alpha = 0.1, lit = FALSE) 
    # show group labels
    texts3d(mean(xx),mean(yy), mean(zz), text = group,
            col= group.col[i], cex = 1)
aspect3d(1,1,1) Regression plane

To add a custom regression plane, we can take the following approach:

  1. Use the function lm() to compute a linear regression model.
  2. Use the argument rgl.surface() to add a regression surface.
rgl.spheres(x, y, z, r = 0.1, color = "#D95F02") 
rgl_add_axes(x, y, z, show.bbox = FALSE)
# Compute the linear regression (y = ax + bz + d)
fit <- lm(y ~ x + z)
# predict values on regular xz grid
grid.lines = 26
x.pred <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = grid.lines)
z.pred <- seq(min(z), max(z), length.out = grid.lines)
xz <- expand.grid( x = x.pred, z = z.pred)
y.pred <- matrix(predict(fit, newdata = xz), 
                 nrow = grid.lines, ncol = grid.lines)
# Add regression surface
rgl.surface(x.pred, z.pred, y.pred, color = "steelblue", 
                alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE)  
# Add grid lines
rgl.surface(x.pred, z.pred, y.pred, color = "black",
    alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE, front = "lines", back = "lines")

50.3 Interactive 3D surface plots with package plotly

50.3.1 3D Surface Plot

In this section, we will introduce how to use plotly to generate interactive 3D surface plots. 3D suface plots are extremely useful and can convey/visualize a lot more information than a traditional contour plot, especially towards topological, geographical data in a straight forward fashion.

The dataset we are using here is the ‘volcano’ (Topographic Information on Auckland’s Maunga Whau Volcano) dataset. Maunga Whau (Mt Eden) is one of about 50 volcanos in the Auckland volcanic field. This data set gives topographic information for Maunga Whau on a 10m by 10m grid. The dataset is a matrix with 87 rows and 61 columns, rows corresponding to grid lines running east to west and columns to grid lines running south to north. More importantly, since it’s a numeric matrix we could easily take it as an argument for method plot_ly which initializes the instance.

##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
## [1,]  100  100  101  101  101  101  101  100  100   100   101   101   102   102
## [2,]  101  101  102  102  102  102  102  101  101   101   102   102   103   103
## [3,]  102  102  103  103  103  103  103  102  102   102   103   103   104   104
## [4,]  103  103  104  104  104  104  104  103  103   103   103   104   104   104
## [5,]  104  104  105  105  105  105  105  104  104   103   104   104   105   105
## [6,]  105  105  105  106  106  106  106  105  105   104   104   105   105   106
##      [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20] [,21] [,22] [,23] [,24] [,25] [,26]
## [1,]   102   102   103   104   103   102   101   101   102   103   104   104
## [2,]   103   103   104   105   104   103   102   102   103   105   106   106
## [3,]   104   104   105   106   105   104   104   105   106   107   108   110
## [4,]   105   105   106   107   106   106   106   107   108   110   111   114
## [5,]   105   106   107   108   108   108   109   110   112   114   115   118
## [6,]   106   107   109   110   110   112   113   115   116   118   119   121
##      [,27] [,28] [,29] [,30] [,31] [,32] [,33] [,34] [,35] [,36] [,37] [,38]
## [1,]   105   107   107   107   108   108   110   110   110   110   110   110
## [2,]   107   109   110   110   110   110   111   112   113   114   116   115
## [3,]   111   113   114   115   114   115   116   118   119   119   121   121
## [4,]   117   118   117   119   120   121   122   124   125   126   127   127
## [5,]   121   122   121   123   128   131   129   130   131   131   132   132
## [6,]   124   126   126   129   134   137   137   136   136   135   136   136
##      [,39] [,40] [,41] [,42] [,43] [,44] [,45] [,46] [,47] [,48] [,49] [,50]
## [1,]   110   110   108   108   108   107   107   108   108   108   108   108
## [2,]   114   112   110   110   110   109   108   109   109   109   109   108
## [3,]   120   118   116   114   112   111   110   110   110   110   109   109
## [4,]   126   124   122   120   117   116   113   111   110   110   110   109
## [5,]   131   130   128   126   122   119   115   114   112   110   110   110
## [6,]   136   135   133   129   126   122   118   116   115   113   111   110
##      [,51] [,52] [,53] [,54] [,55] [,56] [,57] [,58] [,59] [,60] [,61]
## [1,]   107   107   107   107   106   106   105   105   104   104   103
## [2,]   108   108   108   107   107   106   106   105   105   104   104
## [3,]   109   109   108   108   107   107   106   106   105   105   104
## [4,]   109   109   109   108   108   107   107   106   106   105   105
## [5,]   110   110   109   109   108   107   107   107   106   106   105
## [6,]   110   110   110   109   108   108   108   107   107   106   106
fig <- plot_ly(z = ~volcano)
fig <- fig %>% add_surface()


Just few simple lines, we can create a highly interactive 3D plot that illustrates the 3D representation of the volcano dataset. The lighter the color, the higher the altitude. By rolling the mouse, we can zoom in and out easily. Pointing the mouse at every vertex on this 3D graph, the user can easily see the x, y, z coordinates while also the sectional view. From the above, we can also see the contour lines clearly displayed.

Moreover, we can configure the parameters in add_surface(). Here, we will modify the contours argument to display contour lines at the top/below the 3D graph depending on the view of the user. By setting highlight color to be red and setting project, when we move our cursor to each contour line, it maps the contour directly to the graph.

We can approach almost any other numeric matrices that displays geographical information using this package. With the smooth transformation, animation, and easy-to-use convenience, it would largely improve users’ experience.

fig <- plot_ly(z = ~volcano) %>% add_surface(
  # configuring contours mapping
  contours = list(
    z = list(


Other than geographical data, we can also apply the approach on kernel density. Here we are using the ‘Old Faithful Geyser Data’, which is a version of the eruptions data from the ‘Old Faithful’ geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The dataset has 299 observations on 2 variables: duration (numeric eruption time in minutes) and waiting (numeric waiting time for this eruption).

We used kde2d to take duration as the x-coordinate, waiting as y-coordinate, and produce a Two-dimensional kernel density estimation, where z is the estimation.

kd <- with(MASS::geyser, MASS::kde2d(duration, waiting, n = 50))
# plot using plotly by taking the kernel density created
fig <- plot_ly(x = kd$x, y = kd$y, z = kd$z) %>% add_surface(
  contours = list(
    z = list(
  ) %>% layout(
    # label the axis using layout
    scene = list(
                xaxis = list(title = "duration"),
                yaxis = list(title = "waiting" ),  
                zaxis = list(title = "Estimate")


50.3.2 Tri-surface Plot

A Tri-Surface Plot is a type of surface plot, created by triangulation of compact surfaces of finite number of triangles which cover the whole surface in a manner that each and every point on the surface is in triangle. The intersection of any two triangles results in void or a common edge or vertex. This type of plot is created where the evenly sampled grids are restrictive and inconvenient to plot. Basic Tri-Surf plot using plotly

Since the tri-surface plot is constructed with triangular surfaces, we start with the simplest geometry object to plot in 3D - a regular tetrahedron:

suppressPlotlyMessage <- function(p) {

  x = c(0, 1, 2, 0),
  y = c(0, 0, 1, 2),
  z = c(0, 2, 0, 1),
  i = c(0, 0, 0, 1),
  j = c(1, 2, 3, 2),
  k = c(2, 3, 1, 3),
  facecolor = toRGB(viridisLite::viridis(4))
)) More complex tri-surface plot

We can use use plotly to create more complex tri-surf plot with proper data set. The following is an example, using the dataset to plot maps of given countries (North America for this specific example):


map1 <- subset(wrld_simpl,
               NAME %in% c("Canada", "Greenland", "Mexico", "United States"))
## DEL model (like TRI in silicate)
delmesh <-  anglr::globe(anglr::DEL(map1, max_area = 0.5))
mesh <- as.mesh3d(delmesh)

# plot point cloud
x <- mesh$vb[1,]
y <- mesh$vb[2, ]
z <- mesh$vb[3,]
m <- matrix(c(x,y,z), ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL,c("x","y","z")))

# colours in z don't make sense here, need to map object aesthetics above
zmean <- apply(t(mesh$it),MARGIN=1,function(row){mean(m[row,3])})

facecolor = colour_ramp(

  x = x, y = y, z = z,
  i = mesh$it[1,]-1, j = mesh$it[2,]-1, k = mesh$it[3,]-1,
  facecolor = facecolor,
  type = "mesh3d"

50.4 Conclusion

In this tutorial, we introduced how to use the rgl package and its’ relative functions to create 3D scatter plots, using plotly to create interactive 3D surface plots and more complex tri-surface plots. We can see that plotting scattered plots in 3D can be very useful such that we can fit a regression plane for it for future analysis. Through plotly we can also create very smooth 3D interactive visualizations. However, it is not to say that 3D excels 2D plots, in most cases we need to makes choices based on the specific case and scenario. Sometimes 3D plots overcomplicates the pattern and information that could be directly shown in 2D plots.