9 Introduction to Data Manipulation
Yuhe Wang
9.1 Data Wrangling with dplyr
9.1.2 Tibble
Tibble is a type of data structure that is similar to data frame in base R.Compared to normal dataframee, tibble never changes the type of the input, or the names of the variables, or the row names.
tibble(x=1:5, y=1,z=x^2+y)
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
## x y z
## <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 1 2
## 2 2 1 5
## 3 3 1 10
## 4 4 1 17
## 5 5 1 26
9.1.3 Pick observations with filter()
R provides standard suites: <, >=, <=, !=, ==, %in% for you to apply conditions on rows
## # A tibble: 16,649 × 12
## id make model year class trans drive cyl displ fuel hwy cty
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 16573 Acura 3.2CL 2001 Compact Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 27 17
## 2 17489 Acura 3.2CL 2002 Compact Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 27 17
## 3 18458 Acura 3.2CL 2003 Compact Ca… Manu… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 26 17
## 4 18459 Acura 3.2CL 2003 Compact Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 27 17
## 5 15871 Acura 3.2TL 2000 Midsize Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 27 17
## 6 16734 Acura 3.2TL 2001 Midsize Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 27 17
## 7 17664 Acura 3.2TL 2002 Midsize Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 27 17
## 8 18629 Acura 3.2TL 2003 Midsize Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.2 Prem… 27 17
## 9 15872 Acura 3.5RL 2000 Midsize Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.5 Prem… 22 16
## 10 16735 Acura 3.5RL 2001 Midsize Ca… Auto… Fron… 6 3.5 Prem… 22 16
## # … with 16,639 more rows
9.1.4 Reorder rows with arrange()
## # A tibble: 33,442 × 12
## id make model year class trans drive cyl displ fuel hwy cty
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 27049 Buick Electr… 1984 Larg… Auto… 2-Wh… 6 4.1 Regu… 19 14
## 2 27050 Buick Electr… 1984 Larg… Auto… 2-Wh… 8 5 Regu… 20 14
## 3 27051 Buick Electr… 1984 Larg… Auto… 2-Wh… 8 5.7 Dies… 26 18
## 4 27057 Cadillac Brough… 1984 Larg… Auto… Rear… 8 4.1 Regu… 19 14
## 5 27058 Cadillac Brough… 1984 Larg… Auto… Rear… 8 5.7 Dies… 26 18
## 6 28105 Cadillac Brough… 1984 Larg… Auto… Rear… 8 4.1 Regu… 19 14
## 7 28106 Cadillac Fleetw… 1984 Larg… Auto… Rear… 6 4.3 Dies… 31 21
## 8 28225 Chevrolet S10 Pi… 1984 Smal… Auto… 2-Wh… 4 2 Regu… 24 18
## 9 27219 Dodge Ram 50… 1984 Smal… Auto… 2-Wh… 4 2 Regu… 21 20
## 10 27220 Dodge Ram 50… 1984 Smal… Auto… 2-Wh… 4 2 Regu… 20 18
## # … with 33,432 more rows
9.1.5 Create new variables using mutate()
## # A tibble: 33,442 × 13
## id make model year class trans drive cyl displ fuel hwy cty cyl_2
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 13309 Acura 2.2C… 1997 Subc… Auto… Fron… 4 2.2 Regu… 26 20 8
## 2 13310 Acura 2.2C… 1997 Subc… Manu… Fron… 4 2.2 Regu… 28 22 8
## 3 13311 Acura 2.2C… 1997 Subc… Auto… Fron… 6 3 Regu… 26 18 12
## 4 14038 Acura 2.3C… 1998 Subc… Auto… Fron… 4 2.3 Regu… 27 19 8
## 5 14039 Acura 2.3C… 1998 Subc… Manu… Fron… 4 2.3 Regu… 29 21 8
## 6 14040 Acura 2.3C… 1998 Subc… Auto… Fron… 6 3 Regu… 26 17 12
## 7 14834 Acura 2.3C… 1999 Subc… Auto… Fron… 4 2.3 Regu… 27 20 8
## 8 14835 Acura 2.3C… 1999 Subc… Manu… Fron… 4 2.3 Regu… 29 21 8
## 9 14836 Acura 2.3C… 1999 Subc… Auto… Fron… 6 3 Regu… 26 17 12
## 10 11789 Acura 2.5TL 1995 Comp… Auto… Fron… 5 2.5 Prem… 23 18 10
## # … with 33,432 more rows
9.1.6 Create new calculations by catgories using summarize()
We can use summarize to get some statistics for different groups. In the following example, we are getting average of difference between air time and scheduled air time, grouped by different carriers. Note that we have to add “na.rm” inside a functio to remove NA, else we will see a lot of NAs.
Common operation functions:
sd(x): standard deviation
mean(x): mean
IQR(x): interquartile range
mad(x): median absolute deviation
min(x): min
quantile(x, 0.5): ith quartile
max(x): max
first(x): the first row
nth(x,1): the nth row
last(): the last row
n(): count
n_distinct(x): count distinct
sum(): sum
## # A tibble: 151 × 3
## # Groups: class [34]
## class fuel mean_cty
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Compact Cars CNG 24.5
## 2 Compact Cars Diesel 29.2
## 3 Compact Cars Electricity 110
## 4 Compact Cars Gasoline or E85 21.9
## 5 Compact Cars Midgrade 16
## 6 Compact Cars Premium 17.6
## 7 Compact Cars Premium Gas or Electricity 35
## 8 Compact Cars Premium or E85 17.2
## 9 Compact Cars Regular 21.1
## 10 Large Cars CNG 13.6
## # … with 141 more rows
9.2 Tidy Data with dplyr
9.2.1 Gather/Spread
We can reshape table from wide format into long format using Gather. We can reshape table from wide format into long format using Sprea vice versa. (The following example is untrue data)
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
## country `1999` `2000`
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 China 123 12
## 2 US 323 32
## 3 Korea 4245 424
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## country year GDP
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 China 1999 123
## 2 US 1999 323
## 3 Korea 1999 4245
## 4 China 2000 12
## 5 US 2000 32
## 6 Korea 2000 424
9.2.2 Seperate/Unite
We can combine/separate values in one column into two, or two into one(using some special characters). We can add a parameter of “convert=TRUE” to convert chars to integer directly.
t2 <- tibble(country=c('China', 'US', 'Korea'), rate=c('12/232','123/20384','2328/2301823'))
t2 %>% separate(rate,into=c("numerator", "denominator"),convert=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
## country numerator denominator
## <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 China 12 232
## 2 US 123 20384
## 3 Korea 2328 2301823
9.3 Relational Data with dplyr
9.3.1 prerequisites
KEYS in DBMS is an attribute or set of attributes which helps you to identify a row or a relation. A primary key uniquely identifies an observation. A foreign key uniquely identify an observation in another table. Join between two table usually takes place between two keys within different tables to ensure single join.
9.3.2 Understanding different types of joins
x () y inner join: only return the matching pairs existing in both tables left join: only keep all observations in x right join: only keep all observations in y full join:keep all observations in x and y Note that only one of the tables can have duplicate keys. If both of the tables have duplicate keys, this will cause error. Usually, having duplicate key in one table can produce unexpected result. So, the best practice is to investigate both tables firstly before joining.
# These data are frictional
x <- tibble(Country = c('China','US','Japan','Canada'), population=c(100,200,300,400))
y <- tibble(Country = c('China','US','Japan','Mexico'), GDP=c(100,23,2142,234))
left_join(x, y, by='Country')
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
## Country population GDP
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 China 100 100
## 2 US 200 23
## 3 Japan 300 2142
## 4 Canada 400 NA
right_join(x, y, by='Country')
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
## Country population GDP
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 China 100 100
## 2 US 200 23
## 3 Japan 300 2142
## 4 Mexico NA 234
inner_join(x, y, by='Country')
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
## Country population GDP
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 China 100 100
## 2 US 200 23
## 3 Japan 300 2142
full_join(x, y, by='Country')
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
## Country population GDP
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 China 100 100
## 2 US 200 23
## 3 Japan 300 2142
## 4 Canada 400 NA
## 5 Mexico NA 234
In the case that two tables have different names of their keys, we can use by=c(“a”=“b”)
9.4 Datetime with Lubridate
9.4.1 Datetime from strings
Lubridate is able to parse different format of datetime strings
## [1] "2020-01-01"
mdy('March 1 2021')
## [1] "2021-03-01"
## [1] "2020-01-02"
Getting components from datetime
## [1] 2020
## [1] 1
# day of the month
## [1] 1
# day of the year
## [1] 1
# day of the week
## [1] 4
## [1] 12
## [1] 0
## [1] 0
9.4.2 Timespan
Duration: exact number of seconds
Periods: human units (week and months)
Intervals: starting and ending point
## [1] "600s (~10 minutes)"
## [1] "1814400s (~3 weeks)"
## [1] "31557600s (~1 years)"
## [1] "15S"
## [1] "7d 0H 0M 0S"
## [1] "1m 0d 0H 0M 0S" "2m 0d 0H 0M 0S" "3m 0d 0H 0M 0S" "4m 0d 0H 0M 0S"
## [5] "5m 0d 0H 0M 0S" "6m 0d 0H 0M 0S"
## [1] 365.25
## [1] "2023-01-28"
9.5 String manipulations with stringr
9.5.1 Matching Patterns
We can do regular expression matching in R easily too.
string_view() is a very useful function that showcase string patterns. The first input will be input variable, the second input will be the string that we are trying to match. The following regular expression matches will be introduced using this method.
We can match a substring directly easily.
We can use ‘.’ as a wildcard to match any character
We can use ‘^a’ to match any string starting with an “a”, and “a$” to find any string that ending with “a”. We can also use ‘^’ at the beginning and “$” in the end to make sure that it’s an exact match.
str_view(a, "^death$")
str_view(a, "e$")
We can also specify how many times a character repeats itself. {n} represents we have exactly n times of repetition,{n,}: n or more, {,n}: at most n, {n,m}: between n and m
a <-'CCccoljenlq'
str_view(a, 'C{2}')
There are also extra type of strings we can match other than characters we mentioned. ‘\d’ matches any digit,‘\s’ matches any white space, [xyz] matches x, y or z, [^xyz] matches anything other than x, y and z. Here noticing that because we want to match a substring starting with one backlash, we have to specify two backlashes in the string matching.
a <- 'xeqowhe22'
str_view(a, '\\d{2}')
str_view(a, '[xyz]')
Then we will introduce a couple of methods that are useful in conjunction to use with these regular expression.
1.str_detect(): to see if we detect certain substring, return TRUE or FALSE
2.str_extract(): to extract the actual substring from the string
3.str_subset(): return a group of strings that matches certain pattern
4.str_count(): count the number of substring appearances in a string
5.str_replace(): replace substrings with certain patterns
6.str_split(): split string according to patterns
str_detect(c('case','happy','sad'), '[ey]$')
str_extract_all(c('case','happy','sad'), '[ey]$')
## [[1]]
## [1] "e"
## [[2]]
## [1] "y"
## [[3]]
## character(0)
str_subset(c('case','happy','sad'), '[ey]$')
## [1] "case" "happy"
a <- 'laaalk3kr23'
## [1] 1
a <- 'laaalk3kr23'
## [1] "happyalk3kr23"
str_split('abc def',' ')
## [[1]]
## [1] "abc" "def"
Source: R for Data Science