5 Vipul EDAV Community Contribution Kickstart R

Vipul H Harihar

This hand written notes are specially made for understanding the basics of Exploratory Data Analysis and R. This material here is a summation of my Professor Joyce’s teachings in classroom lectures and R documentation files. I have tried to write neatly and clearly so that the reader might benefit from the notes easily, I hope it is easily understandable and legible. The topics involved in the notes are as follows: 1) Introduction 2) R Programming for EDAV 3) Some Fun Facts about R 4) Features of R that makes it perfect for “EDAV” 5) Application of R Programming 6) Understanding Basic Data Types in R 7a) Some Handy Functions 7b) Vector 7c) List 7d) Factors - VERY IMPORTANT 7e) Data Frame 7f) Missing Values 8) Functions in R 9) Data Science Process (Visual Description) 10) What all visulizations we use in EDAV?

Please find the link to the submitted file: https://github.com/virslaan/EDAV_Community_Contribution/blob/main/Community%20Contribution%202.pdf