32 Parallel coordinate plots cheatsheet

Kechengjie Zhu

32.1 Overview

A parallel coordinate plot maps each row in the data table as a line. Packages including GGally and parcoords help build & improve parallel coordinate plots in R.

32.2 Load Packages

32.3 Load Data

Using the mariokart data set for illustration.

df <- as.data.frame(openintro::mariokart)

32.4 Basics

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,) +
  ggtitle("Relations across auction details")

32.4.1 Group by column

Pass to the groupColumn argument with a categorical variable representing groups.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond") +
  ggtitle("Relations across auction details grouped")

32.4.2 Grouping Application: Highlight Certain Data Entries

Requires some manipulation on data frame.

modified <- df %>%
  mutate(thresh = factor(ifelse(total_pr > 60, "Over 60", "Under 60"))) %>%
ggparcoord(data = modified,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "thresh") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "grey")) +
  ggtitle("Highlight sales with total price over $60")

32.4.3 Add data points

Toggle the logical argument showPoints to display/hide data points.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           showPoints = TRUE) +
  ggtitle("Relations across auction details with points")

32.4.4 Spline interpolation

Smooth the lines with argument splineFactor. Value can be either logical or numeric.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           splineFactor = 7) +
  ggtitle("Smoothed relations across auction details")

32.4.5 Add box plots

Add box plots with boxplot.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.2,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           boxplot = TRUE) +
  ggtitle("Relations across auction details with box plots")

32.5 Scaling methods

Select scaling method with argument scale. Default method is “std”: subtract mean and divide by standard deviation.

32.5.1 “robust”

Subtract median and divide by median absolute deviation.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           scale = "robust")

32.5.2 “uniminmax”

Scale so the minimum of the variable is zero, and the maximum is one.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           scale = "uniminmax")

32.5.3 “globalminmax”

No scaling: the range of the graphs is defined by the global minimum and the global maximum.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           scale = "globalminmax")

32.5.4 “center”

Scale using method “uniminmax”, and then center each variable at the summary statistic specified by the scaleSummary argument.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           scale = "center",
           scaleSummary = "mean")

32.5.5 “centerObs”

Scale using method “uniminmax”, and then center each variable at the row number specified by the centerObsID argument.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           scale = "centerObs",
           centerObsID = 5)

32.6 Ordering methods

32.6.1 “anyClass”

Calculate F-statistics for each class vs. the rest, order variables by their maximum F-statistics.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           order = "anyClass")

32.6.2 “allClass”

Order variables by their overall F-statistic from an ANOVA with groupColumn as the explanatory variable.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           order = "allClass")

32.6.3 “skewness”

Order variables by their skewness.

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond",
           order = "skewness")

32.7 Make Plots for Each Group with Facets

ggparcoord(data = df,
           column = c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11),
           alphaLines = 0.5,
           groupColumn = "cond") +
  facet_wrap(~ cond) +
  ggtitle("Relations across auction details")

32.8 Interactive Parallel Coordinate Plots

parcoords(df[,c(2:3, 5:7, 9, 11)],
          rownames = F,
          color = list(CcolorBy = "cond"),
          brushMode = "1D-axes",
          reorderable = T,
          queue = T,
          withD3 = T)