1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

This chapter introduces how this resource is organized, explains how you can add to this resource, and includes some general acknowledgments.

1.2 Types of Assistance

Chapters in this resources are color-coded to indicate the type of assistance the chapter provides. Below is an explanation of each type:

1.2.1 Information (Blue)

Blue pages contain basic information. Examples of blue pages include this introduction page and the basics page, which explains how to setup R/RStudio as well as ways to get help if you need it. Blue pages are the help desk of this resource: look to them if you are lost and need to find your way.

1.2.2 Walkthroughs (Red)

Red pages contain more extensive walkthroughs. An example of a red page is the iris walkthrough, where a well-known dataset is presented as a pretty scatterplot and steps are shown from start to finish. This page type is the most thorough: it tries to provide full documentation, explanations of design choices, and advice on best practices. It’s like going to office hours and having a great clarifying chat with a course assistant…in article form. If you would like to see a fully-worked-through example of something with a lot of guidance along the way, check out the red pages.

1.2.3 Documentation (Green)

Green pages contain more compact documentation. An example of a green page is the histogram page, which includes simple examples of how to create histograms, when to use them, and things to be aware of/watch out for. The green pages hold your hand much less than the red pages: they explain how to use a chart/tool using examples and simple terms. If you have an idea in mind and are just wondering how to execute it, the green pages will help fill in those gaps.

1.2.4 References (Yellow)

Yellow pages contain simple collections of references. An example of a yellow page is the external resources page, which is a list of materials that you can look through and learn from. Yellow pages have the least amount of hand-holding: they are collections of resources and bare-boned tutorials that will help you learn about new things.

1.3 Help improve edav.info/

This resource is an ongoing creation made by students, for students. We welcome you to help make it better. Not finding what you are looking for? Think a section could be made clearer? Consider helping improve edav.info/ by submitting a pull request to the github page. Don’t understand that last sentence? We have a page on how you can contribute to edav.info/.

1.4 Fun stuff

1.4.1 T-shirts

Zach Bogart has made a few t-shirts available on Teespring so you can show your love for EDAV and R. Hope you enjoy!

EDAV Store

1.5 Acknowledgments

1.5.1 Our Contributors

Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed. You make edav.info/ possible.

Aashna Kanuga (@aashnakanuga), @Akanksha1Raj, Akhil Punia (@AkhilPunia), Akshata Patel (@akshatapatel), Angela Li (@angela-li), @anipin, @AshwinJay101, Eric Boxer (@Ecboxer), @excited-student, @hao871563506, Harin Sanghirun (@harin), @jw2531, @kiransaini, @leahparreztnik, Louis Massera (@louismassera), @naotominakawa, Neha Saraf (@nehasaraf1994), Oleh Dubno (@odubno), Ramy Jaber (@ramyij), Rod Bogart (@rodbogart), @Somendratripathi, Tim Kartawijaya (@TimKartawijaya), @ujjwal95, Zhida Zhang (@ZhangZhida)
