22 Plotly package
Eris Chai and Juntian Zhang
22.1 Motivation
In the lecture, we mentioned the package plotly and we see plotly can create interactive plots in R. We have learned a lot of ways to create static plots before, but we did not explore too much on how to create interactive plots. We are interested in exploring more about the plotly package and providing this information for people who are also interested in learning more about the plotly package.
In this project, we learned about how to plot basic interactive plots such as scatter plot, line plot, boxplot, bar charts, and histogram. We also learned about how to add custom controls such as adding buttons and range sliders. Furthermore, we also explored the animation feature in the plotly package. What I might do differently next time is probably try to learn other packages that can create interactive plots such as htmlwidgets, Shiny, D3, collapsibleTree, visNetwork.
22.2 Creating Interactive plot using plotly
We have learned a lot of basic plots such as scatter plot, line plot, boxplot, bar charts, and histogram in previous lectures, we now can useplotly
to make them into interactive plots.
The most fundamental interactive plot using plotly
is the scatter plot, with the interactive feature added to the plot, we can move our mouse to see the specific values of each point.
plot_ly(data = iris, x = ~Sepal.Length, y = ~Petal.Length, color = ~Species)
is a user-friendly function as from the most basic scatter plot above we can quickly extend this to create other basic plots. By doing this we will use the type
and mode
1. scatter plot
: type = ‘scatter’ , mode = ‘markers’
2. line plot
: type = ‘scatter’ , mode = ‘lines’
3. bar chart
: type = ‘bar’ , mode = ‘markers’
4. histogram
: type = ‘histogram’
5. boxplot
: type = ‘box’
As the following examples, we just simply change the type
and mode
, we can alter among the basic plots.
trace_0 <- rnorm(100, mean = 5)
trace_1 <- rnorm(100, mean = 0)
trace_2 <- rnorm(100, mean = -5)
x <- c(1:100)
data <- data.frame(x, trace_0, trace_1, trace_2)
fig_basic <- plot_ly(data, x = ~x, y = ~trace_0, name = 'trace 0',
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'lines')
fig_basic <- fig_basic %>%
add_trace(y = ~trace_1, name = 'trace 1',
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'markers')
fig_basic <- fig_basic %>% add_trace(y = ~trace_2, name = 'trace 2',
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'lines+markers')
Sometimes, one kinds of plot cannot satisfy our needs, we want to combine several plots sharing same axis, which can show the several perspective of the data together.
We can firstly create several plots, then useing subplot()
to combine them by inserting the those plots into the function and specify the axis that they share.
22.3 Add Custom Control in Plotly
After knowing the basic knowledge of plot_ly
, we can start to add some custom control, and such change will be helpful when we analysis the data.
#The basic plot
fig_Japan<-plot_ly(gdpPercap_Japan, type = "scatter" , mode = "lines")
fig_Japan_b0 <-fig_Japan %>%
add_trace(x = ~df_Japan.year, y = ~df_Japan.gdpPercap, name = 'Japan')
22.3.2 Add Range Slider
This example shows how to add rangeslider
to the basic plot. Except adding the rangeslider
in the layout()
function, we can simply use rangeslider()
function after “%>%”.
For the data set with the multiple time point, this function can help us how the data change within different range of time in two direction by moving the each side of the slider.
22.3.3 Add Range Selectors
In this example, we choose to use the data set with multiple and complex time point to show how these custom control can help analysis the data with clearly and useful graphs.
##chose the adjusted price,get the dataframe we need
getSymbols(Symbols = "AAPL", from = '2017-01-01', to = '2019-01-01')
## [1] "AAPL"
df_AAPL <- data.frame(Date = index(AAPL), AAPL[,6])
y=df_AAPL$AAPL.Adjusted, type= "scatter" , mode = "lines")
##initial plot
The initial plot just show how the data change related to time, but if we want to see how they change with each specific time range, we should use the rangeselector
To set the range of the time, we can add rangeselector
inside the layout()
and use buttons
to create the time buttons which include four parts.
The step
shows how the time move, and there are three options (“year”,“month”,“day”); The count
can be used to set how many steps we want to set. With the two part, the time range is set. For the stepmode
, we can choose “backward” and “todate”. Finally, we can use the label
to set the name of the buttons.
fig_APPL1 <- fig_APPL %>% layout(
title = "Stock Prices",
xaxis = list(
rangeselector = list(
buttons = list(
count = 3,
label = "3 mo",
step = "month",
stepmode = "backward"),
count = 1,
label = "1 yr",
step = "year",
stepmode = "backward"),
count = 1,
label = "YTD",
step = "year",
stepmode = "todate"),
list(step = "all")))))
22.4 Animation in Plotly
Since plot_ly()
maps R objects to plotly.js, a web-based JavaScript interactive charting library, plot_ly
gives us an option to do animations for our data.
22.4.1 Basic Animation
Animations can be created by using the frame
argument in plot_ly()
. By assigning discrete values to frame
, we can create animation frames. In the animation frame, a play button and slider component for controlling the state of the animation will be created by default. We can play the animation by simply clicking the play button or dragging the slider. To pause an animation, just click on a relevant location on the slider bar.
Here we can try to create an animation of a basic example using the Iris data. By inputting Species in frame
, each species will be cycled through in the plot.
iris %>%
x = ~Sepal.Length,
y = ~Petal.Length,
frame = ~Species,
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'markers',
showlegend = F
, versicolor
and virginica
22.4.2 Mulitple Trace Animations
With the basic knowledge of frame
, we can now apply it to a more useful scenario. For example, if we want to see the relationship between GDP per capita and life expectancy changing over time, it is a clear way to show it in animation where we can directly see how does the data move over time. Since this is done in plotly
, we can utilize the interactive feature and use color to fill for the continents. This will allow us to select and view specific continents in the animation.
fig_animation <- gapminder %>%
x = ~gdpPercap,
y = ~lifeExp,
size = ~pop,
color = ~continent,
frame = ~year,
text = ~country,
hoverinfo = "text",
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'markers'
From the above plot we can see the country Kuwait is an outlier, as before in the assignment, in order to see most of our data clearly, we usually just delete this outlier, but here with the animation feature, we can keep this outlier and see how does it change through time. And by playing this animation, we can see Kuwait change back and forth in GDP per capita, then finally join the big cluster.
If we still prefer to see all our data clearly without deleting the outlier, we can do a log-transformation to GDP per capita. To do this we use the layout()
to modify xaxis
and change the type to type = "log"
. The default of xaxis type is “-”, but there are more options than “log”. We can choose one of the following based on out needs "-"
, "linear"
, "log"
22.4.3 Configuration Options in Animation
To fit for different needs, we can change the configuration options in animation byanimation_opts()
allows us to change the amount of time between frames by inputting a number variable and the unit is in milliseconds. The default for frame duration is 500. Since this is in time, so the minimum for the frame is 0. If we want to play the animation slowly for audiences to have a longer time to view, we can set it to 1000 or more.
allows us to change the duration of the smooth transition between frames by inputting a number variable and the unit is in milliseconds. The default for transition is also 500 and it can not be larger than the frame duration.
allows us to change the type of transition easing. The default here is “cubic-in-out”. We do have more options such as “linear”,“quad”,“cubic”,“sin”,
fig_animation %>%
easing = "sin"