16 Texts in R Graphs Cheat Sheet

Yige Chen

There are many times we may forget some details about how to coding the texts in R graphs, for example, how to change the text angle in base R, how to use hjust to center the title in ggplot2, or why “color” or “title” cannot work in base R plots. It is not because those details are difficult, but just they are hard to remember. This cheat sheet should be able to help you out. The cheat sheet contains the instructions of text formatting, titles, subtitles, axis labels, labels in plots, and annotations with an example respectively in base R and ggplot2 for a convenient comparison. One can easily use this cheat sheet for quick self-study or detailed review in this topic. The time can be saved by using this cheat sheet instead of searching on google or textbooks.

The cheatsheet can be accessed through the following link. https://github.com/yigechen17/TextsInGraphsCheatSheet/blob/main/text%20cheat%20sheet.pdf