31 Animate Time Series : the goyav package

Antonin Vidon

# install.packages("devtools")
# library(devtools)
# install_github("AntoninVidon/goyav")
library(goyav) # must be installed from source

# install.packages("gapminder")

31.1 Motivation

One of the main drawbacks of the IDE RStudio is the lack of real interaction between the user and the plots generated from raw data. Even for simple plots, the user often has to go through a lot of documentation and/or look at heavy web located tutorials.

We build a shiny-app based interface on which the user tunes dynamically the plot he wants to build by offering choices among true candidates for each parameter (no error possible). We choose to focus on “animated” plots. These are dynamic plots generated from temporal data. This type of plot is especially tedious to build in a “hard-code” way with the gganimate package. We add some interesting features such as filter on a factor, choose x,y and temporal range, change any/both of the scales to log-scales, modify the duration of the animation, … These are common operations that a meticulous user might want to perform in order to draw impactful plots.

31.2 Features

goyav is a shiny App meant to generate GIF animations from tabular temporal data. All customization of the animated plots is done in an interactive window.

The dashboard of the application looks like this :

The user is able to navigate into two tabs : “Animate” and “Advanced animate”, the latter offering a wider range of customization.

From the Animate tab, you may choose the following :

  • X variable (numeric);
  • Y variable (numeric);
  • size variable (numeric);
  • color variable (optional, factor);
  • temporal variable (numeric);
  • choose if you want to apply a log-scale to either X, Y or X and Y (optional).

From the Advanced animated tab, you may choose the following :

  • X variable (numeric);
  • Y variable (numeric);
  • size variable (numeric);
  • color variable (optional, factor);
  • temporal variable (numeric);
  • choose if you want to apply a log-scale to either X, Y or X and Y (optional);
  • X range;
  • Y range;
  • temporal range;
  • Animation duration (s);
  • Factor levels to include (optional, among color variable levels).

31.3 Demonstration

In order to better show the use of the package, we will use the gapminder dataset from the gapminder package.

# display first rows of dataset
country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.4453
Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.8530
Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.1007
Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.1971
Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.9811
Afghanistan Asia 1977 38.438 14880372 786.1134

In order to be able to create any GIF, your dataframe should have candidate columns for the following variables: X, Y, size and temporal. Therefore, calling the goyav function on a dataframe with less than 4 numeric variables will return an error.

# try to call the `goyav` function on the first 3 columns of the `gapminder` dataset
## Error in goyav(gapminder[, 1:3]): Your dataframe should have at least 4 numeric variables.

Let’s now call goyav on the whole dataset :

# call `goyav` on `gapminder`

31.3.1 View from the Animate tab

31.3.2 View from the Advanced animate tab