51 Downloading files
Aaron Aknin and Ashkan Bozorgzad
So this Section is about how do you use r to download files. It is important to use the right method when importing a dataset in order to optimize its use.
51.2 Checking for and creating directories
file.exists ("directoryName")
will check to see if the directory exists and dir.create ("directoryName")
will create a directory if it doesn’t exist. Here is an example checking for a “data” directory and creating it if it doesn’t exist.
if (!file.exists("data")){
51.3 Download a file from the web
- Download a file from the internet
- Even if you could do this by hand, helps with reproducibility
- Important parameters are url, destfile, method
- Useful for downloading tab-delimited, csv, and other files
The method that we’re going to use is curl
. This is necessary because this website is an https, secure website, and so if you’re doing this from a Mac, you need to specify the method is curl in order for it to work. If you list the files in this data directory, You see that we now have one file in that directory, and it’s the cameras.csv file.
list.files( "./data" )
## [1] "output.csv"
An important component of downloading files from the internet is that those files might change. So you want to keep track of the date that you downloaded the data, and you can do that with the date function. So you just assign to dateDownloaded the command date and that will give you the date that those data were downloaded.
dateDownloaded <- date()
## [1] "Wed Oct 19 14:20:15 2022"
51.4 Reading Local Files
- Loading flat files - read.table().
- This is the main function for reading data into R.
- Flexible and robust but requires more parameters.
- Reads the data into RAM so big data can cause problems.
df <- read.table( "resources/downloading_files/output.csv" , sep = ",",header= TRUE )
## year industry_code_ANZSIC industry_name_ANZSIC rme_size_grp
## 1 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 2 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 3 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 4 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 5 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 6 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## variable value unit
## 1 Activity unit 46134 COUNT
## 2 Rolling mean employees 0 COUNT
## 3 Salaries and wages paid 279 DOLLARS(millions)
## 4 Sales, government funding, grants and subsidies 8187 DOLLARS(millions)
## 5 Total income 8866 DOLLARS(millions)
## 6 Total expenditure 7618 DOLLARS(millions)
You can also use read.csv in the case that you have a csv file, it automatically sets sep equal to the quote comma and it automatically sets header = TRUE.
## year industry_code_ANZSIC industry_name_ANZSIC rme_size_grp
## 1 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 2 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 3 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 4 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 5 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## 6 2011 A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing a_0
## variable value unit
## 1 Activity unit 46134 COUNT
## 2 Rolling mean employees 0 COUNT
## 3 Salaries and wages paid 279 DOLLARS(millions)
## 4 Sales, government funding, grants and subsidies 8187 DOLLARS(millions)
## 5 Total income 8866 DOLLARS(millions)
## 6 Total expenditure 7618 DOLLARS(millions)
51.4.1 Some more important parameters
- quote - you can tell R whether there are any quoted values quote="" means no quotes.
- na.strings - set the character that represents a missing value.
- nrows - how many rows to read of the file (e.g. nrows=10 reads 10 lines).
- skip- number of lines to skip before starting to read
51.5 Reading XML
- Extensible markup language
- Frequently used to store structured data
- Particularly widely used in internet applications
- Extracting XML is the basis for most web scraping
- Components
- Markup - labels that give the text structure
- Content - the actual text of the document
doc <- xmlTreeParse(sub("s", "", fileURL), useInternal = TRUE)
rootNode <- xmlRoot(doc)
## [1] "response"
## <row _id="1" _uuid="93CACF6F-C8C2-4B87-95A8-8177806D5A6F" _position="1" _address="http://data.baltimorecity.gov/resource/k5ry-ef3g/1">
## <name>410</name>
## <zipcode>21206</zipcode>
## <neighborhood>Frankford</neighborhood>
## <councildistrict>2</councildistrict>
## <policedistrict>NORTHEASTERN</policedistrict>
## <location_1 human_address="{"address":"4509 BELAIR ROAD","city":"Baltimore","state":"MD","zip":""}" needs_recoding="true"/>
## </row>
51.6 Reading JSON
- Javascript Object Notation
- Lightweight data storage
- Common format for data from application programming interfaces (APIs)
- Similar structure to XML but different syntax/format
- Data stored as
- Numbers (double)
- Strings (double quoted)
- Boolean (true or false)
- Array (ordered, comma separated enclosed in square brackets [])
- Object (unorderd, comma separated collection of key:value pairs in curley brackets {})
# extracting data from the website
jsonData <- fromJSON("https://data.ny.gov/api/views/9a8c-vfzj/rows.json?accessType=DOWNLOAD")
# extract the data node
food_market <- jsonData[['data']]
# assembling the data into data frames
## [1] "CHAFFEE"
The httr
package allows to connect to websites and to connect to APIs. It allows, when a GET
request is made (a request to access the result of a search), to retrieve the result in the form of a text to be reworked. In general, a call to an API via httr
is made as follows:
url <- "https://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v0/product/3017620425400.json"
results <-
httr::GET(url), # url to query
as="text", # type of the output
httr::content_type_json(), # type of the answer
encoding= "UTF-8" # encoding of the answer
jsonData <-fromJSON(results)
51.7 Webscraping
- It can be a great way to get data
- Many websites have information you may want to programaticaly read
- In some cases this is against the terms of service for the website
- Attempting to read too many pages too quickly can get your IP address blocked
In order to retrieve data from a web page we can use the rvest
In order to begin parsing a web page, we must first request this data from the computer server that contains it. In rvest
, the function that does this is the read_html()
function. For this tutorial we will use a weather website, the National Weather Service website.
page <- read_html("https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=37.7771&lon=-122.4196#.Xl0j6BNKhTY")
## {html_document}
## <html class="no-js">
## [1] <head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8 ...
## [2] <body>\n <main class="container"><header class="row clearfix" id=" ...
The goal being to recover the temperatures, we will search via the developer mode of Google Chrome the identifier of the Html tags where the information is located. Exemple :
High: 63 °F
## [1] "High: 84 °F" "Low: 57 °F" "High: 74 °F" "Low: 54 °F" "High: 67 °F"
## [6] "Low: 56 °F" "High: 65 °F" "Low: 53 °F" "High: 66 °F"
It is hard to read, One way to deal with that is to, as we’ve seen before is to use the XML package. So again, we could use this same URL. Use the XML package, and parse the HTML again, using the InternalNodes to get the complete structure out.
51.8 dplyr Pachage
This section is about the dplyr package in R, which is a package specifically designed to help you work with data frames. So in this lecture we will just cover the basics to introduce the package and we’ll talk about the verbs arrange, filter, select, mutate and rename.
51.8.1 Load the dplyr package
The dataset we are going to work is a data set on air pollution and weather variables in the city of Chicago for the years 1987 to 2005, and it’s kind of daily data.
## [1] 6940 8
## 'data.frame': 6940 obs. of 8 variables:
## $ city : chr "chic" "chic" "chic" "chic" ...
## $ tmpd : num 31.5 33 33 29 32 40 34.5 29 26.5 32.5 ...
## $ dptp : num 31.5 29.9 27.4 28.6 28.9 ...
## $ date : Date, format: "1987-01-01" "1987-01-02" ...
## $ pm25tmean2: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## $ pm10tmean2: num 34 NA 34.2 47 NA ...
## $ o3tmean2 : num 4.25 3.3 3.33 4.38 4.75 ...
## $ no2tmean2 : num 20 23.2 23.8 30.4 30.3 ...
51.8.2 Select
Show the dataframe with the first 5 columns
## city tmpd dptp date pm25tmean2
## 1 chic 31.5 31.500 1987-01-01 NA
## 2 chic 33.0 29.875 1987-01-02 NA
## 3 chic 33.0 27.375 1987-01-03 NA
## 4 chic 29.0 28.625 1987-01-04 NA
## 5 chic 32.0 28.875 1987-01-05 NA
## 6 chic 40.0 35.125 1987-01-06 NA
## [1] "city" "tmpd" "dptp"
if we want to look at the columns starting with city and ending with D DPTP, which is the dew point column. I, and I want to include all the columns in between.
## city tmpd dptp
## 1 chic 31.5 31.500
## 2 chic 33.0 29.875
## 3 chic 33.0 27.375
## 4 chic 29.0 28.625
## 5 chic 32.0 28.875
## 6 chic 40.0 35.125
you can use the minus sign to say, I want to look at all the columns except for these. The columns indicated by this range. And you can use the select function to just say minus on that city colon dew point sequence. And you’ll get all of the columns, except those few columns.
## date pm25tmean2 pm10tmean2 o3tmean2 no2tmean2
## 1 1987-01-01 NA 34.00000 4.250000 19.98810
## 2 1987-01-02 NA NA 3.304348 23.19099
## 3 1987-01-03 NA 34.16667 3.333333 23.81548
## 4 1987-01-04 NA 47.00000 4.375000 30.43452
## 5 1987-01-05 NA NA 4.750000 30.33333
## 6 1987-01-06 NA 48.00000 5.833333 25.77233
the equivalent code to do this in kind of regular R, without using the deplyr package is a little bit tricky
## date pm25tmean2 pm10tmean2 o3tmean2 no2tmean2
## 1 1987-01-01 NA 34.00000 4.250000 19.98810
## 2 1987-01-02 NA NA 3.304348 23.19099
## 3 1987-01-03 NA 34.16667 3.333333 23.81548
## 4 1987-01-04 NA 47.00000 4.375000 30.43452
## 5 1987-01-05 NA NA 4.750000 30.33333
## 6 1987-01-06 NA 48.00000 5.833333 25.77233
51.8.3 Verbs filter
The filter function is the next function in deplyr that we’ll talk about and it’s basically used subset rows based on conditions. So, for example, you might want to take all the rows in the Chicago data set where pm 2.5 is greater than 30
## city tmpd dptp pm25tmean2
## 1 chic 23 21.9 38.10
## 2 chic 28 25.8 33.95
## 3 chic 55 51.3 39.40
## 4 chic 59 53.7 35.40
## 5 chic 57 52.0 33.30
## 6 chic 57 56.0 32.10
## 7 chic 75 65.8 56.50
## 8 chic 61 59.0 33.80
## 9 chic 73 60.3 30.30
## 10 chic 78 67.1 41.40
you don’t have to just subset rows based on values in one column. You can take multiple columns and create a more complicated logical sequence. here we are looking at pm2.5 greater than 30. As well as temperature greater than 80.
chic.f <- filter(chicago, pm25tmean2 > 30 & tmpd > 80)
head(select(chic.f, 1:3, pm25tmean2, tmpd), 10)
## city tmpd dptp pm25tmean2
## 1 chic 81 71.2 39.6000
## 2 chic 81 70.4 31.5000
## 3 chic 82 72.2 32.3000
## 4 chic 84 72.9 43.7000
## 5 chic 85 72.6 38.8375
## 6 chic 84 72.6 38.2000
## 7 chic 82 67.4 33.0000
## 8 chic 82 63.5 42.5000
## 9 chic 81 70.4 33.1000
## 10 chic 82 66.2 38.8500 arrange
The next function of range has a simple purpose. It’s basically used to reorder the rows of a data frame based on the values of a column.
## date pm25tmean2
## 1 1987-01-01 NA
## 2 1987-01-02 NA
## 3 1987-01-03 NA
use the tail function to look at the last couple rows
## date pm25tmean2
## 6938 2005-12-29 7.45000
## 6939 2005-12-30 15.05714
## 6940 2005-12-31 15.00000
To arrange the rows in descending order, the desc function can be used
## date pm25tmean2
## 1 2005-12-31 15.00000
## 2 2005-12-30 15.05714
## 3 2005-12-29 7.45000
use the tail function to look at the last couple rows
## date pm25tmean2
## 6938 1987-01-03 NA
## 6939 1987-01-02 NA
## 6940 1987-01-01 NA rename
The rename function is very simple. it can be used to rename a variable in R.
head(chicago[, 1:5], 3)
## city tmpd dptp date pm25tmean2
## 1 chic 35 30.1 2005-12-31 15.00000
## 2 chic 36 31.0 2005-12-30 15.05714
## 3 chic 35 29.4 2005-12-29 7.45000
## city tmpd dewpoint date pm25
## 1 chic 35 30.1 2005-12-31 15.00000
## 2 chic 36 31.0 2005-12-30 15.05714
## 3 chic 35 29.4 2005-12-29 7.45000 mutate
The mutate function is used to simply transform existing variables or to create new variables. So here in this example we want to create a new variable called pm25detrend. And this is the pm25 variable with the mean subtracted off.
chicago <- mutate(chicago, pm25detrend=pm25-mean(pm25, na.rm=TRUE))
head(select(chicago, pm25, pm25detrend))
## pm25 pm25detrend
## 1 15.00000 -1.230958
## 2 15.05714 -1.173815
## 3 7.45000 -8.780958
## 4 17.75000 1.519042
## 5 23.56000 7.329042
## 6 8.40000 -7.830958 group_by
Finally the group by function allows you to split a data frame according to Certain categorical variables. in this example, we are going to create a temperature category variable which will indicate whether a given day was hot or cold, depending on whether the temperature was over 80 degrees or not.
chicago <- mutate(chicago, tempcat = factor(1 * (tmpd > 80), labels = c("cold", "hot")))
hotcold <- group_by(chicago, tempcat)
summarize(hotcold, pm25 = mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE),
o3 = max(o3tmean2),
no2 = median(no2tmean2))
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
## tempcat pm25 o3 no2
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 cold 16.0 66.6 24.5
## 2 hot 26.5 63.0 24.9
## 3 <NA> 47.7 9.42 37.4
We can also categorize the data set on on other variables. For example we might want to do a summary for each year in the data set. We can create I can use the mutate function to create a year variable.
chicago <- mutate(chicago, year = as.POSIXlt(date)$year + 1900)
years <- group_by(chicago, year)
summarize(years, pm25 = mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE),
o3 = max(o3tmean2, na.rm = TRUE),
no2 = median(no2tmean2, na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 19 × 4
## year pm25 o3 no2
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1987 NaN 63.0 23.5
## 2 1988 NaN 61.7 24.5
## 3 1989 NaN 59.7 26.1
## 4 1990 NaN 52.2 22.6
## 5 1991 NaN 63.1 21.4
## 6 1992 NaN 50.8 24.8
## 7 1993 NaN 44.3 25.8
## 8 1994 NaN 52.2 28.5
## 9 1995 NaN 66.6 27.3
## 10 1996 NaN 58.4 26.4
## 11 1997 NaN 56.5 25.5
## 12 1998 18.3 50.7 24.6
## 13 1999 18.5 57.5 24.7
## 14 2000 16.9 55.8 23.5
## 15 2001 16.9 51.8 25.1
## 16 2002 15.3 54.9 22.7
## 17 2003 15.2 56.2 24.6
## 18 2004 14.6 44.5 23.4
## 19 2005 16.2 58.8 22.6 %>%
The dplyr package implements a special operator. That allows you to chain different operations. It allows you to see what operations are happening in a readable way. it’s indicated by a percent symbol and then the greater than symbol and then the percent symbol. We will call it the pipeline operator. The idea it that you take a data set and you feed through a pipeline of operations to create a new data set. We have the Chicago data set and we want to mutate to create a month variable because we want to create a summary of each of the pollutant variables by month. Then we want to take the output of mutate. Then group by it use according to this month variable. finally we want to take the output of group by and then run it through summarize.
chicago %>% mutate(month = as.POSIXlt(date)$mon + 1) %>% group_by(month) %>% summarize(pm25 = mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE),
o3 = max(o3tmean2, na.rm = TRUE),
no2 = median(no2tmean2, na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 12 × 4
## month pm25 o3 no2
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 17.8 28.2 25.4
## 2 2 20.4 37.4 26.8
## 3 3 17.4 39.0 26.8
## 4 4 13.9 47.9 25.0
## 5 5 14.1 52.8 24.2
## 6 6 15.9 66.6 25.0
## 7 7 16.6 59.5 22.4
## 8 8 16.9 54.0 23.0
## 9 9 15.9 57.5 24.5
## 10 10 14.2 47.1 24.2
## 11 11 15.2 29.5 23.6
## 12 12 17.5 27.7 24.5
51.8.4 Connecting to SQL DataBase
This part will teach us how to connect a SQL database with R and submit queries to it. For this we need dbplyr
and RSQLite
Retrieve the SQL file the way you want. In our case we will retrieve it from a url and stock it in the data folder.
download.file(url = "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/2292171", destfile = "data/db_sql.sqlite", mode = "wb")
We then connect the R terminal with the SQL database. Querying the database with the SQL syntax
The sql
function allows us to submit queries to the database using the SQL language.
## # Source: SQL [?? x 3]
## # Database: sqlite 3.39.4 [/home/runner/work/cc21fall2/cc21fall2/resources/downloading_files/db_sql.sqlite]
## year species_id plot_id
## <int> <chr> <int>
## 1 1977 NL 2
## 2 1977 NL 3
## 3 1977 DM 2
## 4 1977 DM 7
## 5 1977 DM 3
## 6 1977 PF 1
## 7 1977 PE 2
## 8 1977 DM 1
## 9 1977 DM 1
## 10 1977 PF 6
## # … with more rows Querying the database with the dplyr syntax
The same result can be achieved by using the dplyr syntax.
## # Source: SQL [?? x 3]
## # Database: sqlite 3.39.4 [/home/runner/work/cc21fall2/cc21fall2/resources/downloading_files/db_sql.sqlite]
## year species_id plot_id
## <int> <chr> <int>
## 1 1977 NL 2
## 2 1977 NL 3
## 3 1977 DM 2
## 4 1977 DM 7
## 5 1977 DM 3
## 6 1977 PF 1
## 7 1977 PE 2
## 8 1977 DM 1
## 9 1977 DM 1
## 10 1977 PF 6
## # … with more rows